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The neural network showed 10 psychological problems and disorders in the form of monsters

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Recently, the Midjourney neural network showed how it sees the 7 deadly sins, and now with its help, they decided to depict 10 different psychological disorders in people. Moreover, the author of requests to AI asked to make illustrations in the form of monsters. It turned out pretty creepy because some creatures really reflect the essence of the problems. Judge for yourself.

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1 . Depression is an oppressed, depressed, dreary or indifferent state. In this image, literally all the symptoms are read.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

2 . Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is obsessive, disturbing and frightening thoughts that are difficult to get rid of. Therefore, the monster is not alone.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

3 . Agoraphobia is the fear of crowds, open spaces, public transportation, and situations from which it is difficult to quickly escape to safety.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

4 . Eating disorders (EDDs) are various eating disorders that can lead to anorexia and bulimia nervosa, as well as psychogenic overeating.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

5 . Narcissism - in psychology, this is an exaggerated opinion about one's own contribution to society or a group, or, more simply, too much conceit. Therefore, the monster in the reflection.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

6 . Anxiety is an obsessive feeling of impending danger and unfavorable events. Often, such anxiety does not allow you to reasonably assess the situation, literally covering your eyes.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

7 . Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is recurring and intrusive memories of a shocking traumatic event. Often found in those who were in mortal danger.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

8 . Psychosis/ schizophrenia is a disorder of perception of the real world and disorganization of behavior. Delusions, hallucinations, impaired thinking - everything is in this image.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

9 . Addiction - in the broadest sense of the word, is an obsessive need for something: alcohol, drugs, or a certain activity.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

10 . Depersonalization - disorders of self-perception of personality. Often accompanied by a feeling of alienation from one's own body or mental activity, and may be accompanied by a feeling of watching one's own life from the outside.

Image: StopwatchSparrow / Reddit

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