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The most important shortcuts for Photoshop

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There is no doubt that the shortcuts of any shortcuts program make working with it faster and more accurate.

In this article, we discuss the most important shortcuts for  Photoshop.

a = path tools

b = Brush tool

c = crop tools

d = Returns colors to black and white

e = eraser

f = to hide menus

g = Gradient Tool

h = hand tool

i = eyedropper tool

j = Spot Healing Tool, like a beam but with the edges merged

k = 3D shape flip tool, available in CS4 only

l = lasso tools manual selection

m = Square marquee tool

n = note tool

o = Dodge tool to whiten and darken images

p = path tool path

q = Add layer mask

r = blur tool

s = beam tool

t = writing tool

u = Path Shape Tool

v = Move tool

w = Magic Wand Tool

x = to invert colors from front ground to back ground and vice versa

y = memory brush

z = zoom tool

y = to select a channel and watch all channels, but the work will be on the selected channel

/ = To lock the layer

Ctrl + A Select all

Ctrl + B Balance to change the equalization of colors

Ctrl + C copy

Ctrl + D Deselect

Ctrl + E Merge the layer with the layer below it

Ctrl + F to apply the last applied filter

Ctrl + G to make one or more layers in one folder

Ctrl + H to hide the selection

Ctrl + I Invert colors

Ctrl + J to copy the layer and paste it in the same place

Ctrl + K for program settings

Ctrl + L Level It is well known as levels

Ctrl + M to darken and lighten the page

Ctrl + N New page

Ctrl + O Open a previous file

Ctrl + P print

Ctrl + Q to exit the entire program

Ctrl + R to show and hide the rulers

Ctrl + S to save

Ctrl + T To zoom in and out of layers freely

Ctrl + V paste

Ctrl + W to close the page

Ctrl + X Cut

Ctrl + Y to preview before converting to CMYK and vice versa

Ctrl + Z Undo

Ctrl + 1 to show the first channel

ctrl + 1 CS4 in the latest version has been modified to show the image at print resolution

Ctrl + 2 to show the second channel

Ctrl + 5 -6 -7 remaining channels

Ctrl + ` to show all channels

Ctrl + tab to move between pages in Photoshop

Ctrl + + to zoom in

Ctrl + - to zoom out

Ctrl + 0 to show all page

Ctrl + F4 to close the page in the program

Ctrl + backspace to color the layer with the background color

Ctrl + Enter to convert from path to selection

ctrl + [ To move the layer up layer by layer

ctrl + ] to move the layer down layer by layer

Ctrl + space to switch from any tool to the Zoom tool

Ctrl + alt to copy the layer while moving it

Ctrl + --> <-- Control arrows to move the layer in all directions

Ctrl + shift while moving makes the movement go straight up or down and to the right or left

ctrl + shift + alt to copy the layer and move it straight

ctrl + shift + x to apply the liquify filter

ctrl + shift + s to save a copy

ctrl + shift + to close all pages in the program

ctrl + shift + e to merge all visible (non-hidden) layers with the ground

ctrl + shift + n to create a new layer

ctrl + shift + u to convert the layer to black and white

ctrl + shift + j to cut and paste the selected part of the layer into the same place

ctrl + shift + K color sitting Color properties in the program

ctrl + shift + to open Adobe Bridge

ctrl + shift + p for print properties

ctrl + shift + ] to move the layer up one layer

ctrl + shift + [ Move the layer down one layer

Alt + f to show the file menu

Alt + e to show the edit menu

Alt + i to show the image menu

Alt + l to show the layer menu

Alt + s to show the select menu

Alt + t to show the filter menu

Alt + a to show the analysis menu

Alt + d to show the 3D menu

Alt + v to bring up the view menu

Alt + w to bring up the window menu

Alt + h to show the help menu

Alt + F4 to close the program

tab to hide and show the tools menu

1 - 2 - 3 - ... 9 - 0 To shift the layer from 10% to 100%, you can set any percentage... for example 55%. All you have to do is press 55 quickly, as long as you are on the selection tool.

Writing shortcuts, of course, after selecting them

Ctrl + Shift + > to enlarge text

Ctrl + Shift + < to reduce type

Ctrl + Shift + U underline

Ctrl + Shift + b bold to make the type bigger

Ctrl + Shift + I to slant Italic type

Alt + --> Right and left arrow to move letters closer and closer together

Alt + up/down arrow to move closer and closer between lines of writing

The question here is how can I move the mouse from the keyboard?

  • We go to the control panel of the computer
  • Then we click on Accessibility Options
  • Mouse We find a phrase written on it
  • use mouse key
  • We do it and then ok
  • Then we can control the mouse from the keyboard using the arrows on the right numbers
  • On the keyboard, of course, the num lock button must be inactive

Here is an explanation of some abbreviations:

When you press the Ctrl + 1 button, Photoshop will display the Channel Red

When you press the Ctrl + 2 button, Photoshop will display the Channel Green

When you press the Ctrl + 3 button, Photoshop will display the Channel Blue

When you press the ~ + Ctrl button, Photoshop will display all RGB channels

If you open the program

Double-click on the empty program surface and OPEN appears

Double-click + ctril+click on the empty program surface and a new file will appear

Double-click +ATL on the empty program surface and OPEN AS appears

If you want to make a straight line, just press Shift while drawing.

- If you want to create curves, use Paths.

Click the schedule button


To temporarily hide the tool frames to see the result of your design, click on it again to return

You can hide all panels except the tool panel by pressing Tab + Shift

Ctrl + N Open a new file

Ctrl + O Open a file

Ctrl + Alt + O Open As

Ctrl + w key to lock a file

Ctrl + S Save the file

Ctrl + Shift + s Save the file as

Ctrl + Alt + S Save a copy of a file

Ctrl + Shift + P page setup key

Ctrl + P Print

Edit menu

Ctrl + Z key Cancel the last operation

Ctrl + X Cut

Ctrl + c copy

Ctrl + Shift + C Copy in bulk

Ctrl + V paste

Ctrl + Shift + V Paste inside

View menu

Ctrl + + Zoom in

Ctrl + -minimize

Ctrl + 0 key is appropriate for the screen

Ctrl + Alt + O Current points

Ctrl + H key to show/hide borders

Ctrl + Shift + H key to show/hide layouts

Ctrl + R key to show/hide the rulers

Ctrl + key to show/hide directories

Key + Ctrl + Shift to select directories

Key + CTRL + Alt Lock directories

Ctrl+ key to show/hide the grid

Key + Ctrl + Shift to revive the network

Image/Adjust menu

Ctrl + L levels

Ctrl + hift + L Auto levels

Ctrl + M key. Charts

Ctrl + B Color Balance

Ctrl + U key to hue and saturate

Ctrl + Shift + U key to cancel saturation

Ctrl + I Invert

Layer menu

Ctrl + G Group with Previous

Ctrl + Shift + g Remove grouping

Ctrl + E Merge Down

Ctrl + Shift + e Visual Merge

Select menu

Ctrl + Shift + A Select All

Ctrl + D Deselect

Ctrl + Shift + D Restore selection

Ctrl + Shift + I Invert the selection

Ctrl + Shift + D Gradient stroke

ctrl + f to apply the last filter

ctrl + shift + f to apply the last filter but with the selections before applying

ctrl + u to change the colors and glow of images and the design as a whole...

ctrl + i to invert the existing color...

ctrl + b to control image colors.

ctrl + l to control the image clarity level...

ctrl + t to change the size of shapes or text.

Ctrl + T key shows you the scaling points of objects (to zoom in or out)

Ctrl + U key will show you the color-changing menu.

The Ctrl + B key shows you a list of changing colors, but you can accurately change each color individually.

Ctrl + M key shows you clarity and control of images

Ctrl + L key changes the brightness and darkness of the image.

Ctrl + Y key shows you the CYMK colors on the drawing.

Ctrl + E to apply one layer to another

Ctrl + Shift + E to layer all layers together.

Ctrl + O key to open a file.

Ctrl + N key to open a new file.

F7 key to bring up the layers menu

F5 key to show the feathers menu.

Ctrl + r key to show the ruler.

Ctrl + Z to undo

To move the selection from one position to another: Choose one of the selection tools, click within the selection area, and then move

  • To copy the selected part: press and move the mouse + Ctrl + Alt
  • To move the selected part: press and move the mouse + Ctrl
  • To expand the selection or add a selection: Choose one of the selection tools and click inside the selection area while moving +Shift
  • To delete from the selection: Choose one of the selection tools and select the part to be deleted + Alt
  • Float a selection into position: Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow key then Down arrow key
  • Paste an image into a selection: Ctrl + Shift + V
  • Paste an image behind a selection: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + V
  • Copy the selection to a new layer: Ctrl + j

Some panels, such as the Levels options panel, which is located in the Image menu, then Adjust, then Levels - this panel is very important for Photoshop users - you cannot save the changes you make to it if you want to apply the same changes to your work again, which wastes effort and time!

There is a way for you to use the last change you made on the panel, which is to press the ALT key while you click on the Image menu, then Adjust, then Levels. You will find that the changes you made are present, so apply them again. The shortcut for the Levels panel is Ctrl + L, and if you add ALT, that is, you will press Ctrl + Alt + L to shorten, go to the menu, then Image, then Adjust, then Levels.

When the Move Tool is used and you have a lot of layers, place your mouse on the drawing, press the Shift key and the right mouse button. A list of all the layers you have will appear for you to choose from which you want to move. If you choose the layer and want to move the layer by 10 pixel movements ) Press the Ctrl button with the arrows on the keyboard to speed up the movement. You will find that the laser jumps in 10-pixel movements.

Pattern Stamp Tool

To access this tool, press the letter S, then hold down Shift, then press the letter S again,,, or click with the mouse on the small triangle in the stamp tool icon. Another stamp tool will appear with a misleading base.

Using this tool, you can repeat a shape or pattern to fill any image or any background you want. To do this, follow the following:

  1.  Open the image from which you want to transfer the shape or pattern.
  2. Select the desired shape using the rectangular selection tool.
  3. From the Edit menu, choose Define Pattern
  4. Open the image to which you want to transfer the shape or pattern.
  5. Choose the Pattern Stamp Tool and repeat the pattern as you wish.

If you want to enlarge the drawing a little without entering the Image Size, read the following:

  1. Choose the Corp tool or press the C button
  2. Press the Ctrl button with the plus sign + to zoom in on the drawing area once or twice
  3. Make a selection for the entire drawing. You will find that the selection has 8 squares
  4. Now I work on expanding the squares until they reach the size to which I want to enlarge the drawing
  5. Now press Enter on the keyboard
  6. You will find that the image has been enlarged - and the part that was enlarged is dyed in the background color

Have you ever thought about determining the drawing by half, a quarter, 10%, or any percentage value because you do not like to calculate the length and width of the drawing in order to choose a section from it or cut a specific size from it with a specific value?

Read the following:

  1. In the Info panel (you can find it in the Window menu, then Show Info), you will find four fields in the panel, of which we are interested in the right part from the bottom.
  2. Click on the black arrow located at the top right of the panel, then choose Palette Options from the menu
  3. The Info Options panel will appear, including Mouse Coordinates
  4. Choose from the Present menu, then Ok
  5. You will notice that the ruler has changed to a percentage - if there is no ruler, press Ctrl + R
  6. Now select from the drawing what you want. Look at the Info panel. You will see that the numbers are spoken in percentages (and you may use Guides and the ruler to determine the numbers more accurately)



In this article, I shared with you The most important shortcuts for Photoshop. I hope you have liked It. Please do share it with your friends and follow our blog for more.

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