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Google named 11 new features for Android, WearOS and Google TV

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Google talked about 11 features that have already become available in its operating systems or will appear in the coming weeks.


Illustration: Google

Android smartphones now support working with PIN codes and FIDO2 tokens - physical USB security keys - for quick authorization on sites without entering a complex password. Even if the physical key is lost or stolen, an attacker will not be able to use it without a PIN code.

Emoji Kitchen, the editor inside the Gboard keyboard that can combine multiple emoji into one, now supports new emoji: 📸, 🤯, 🌟, and 🍗.

Google Messages is testing a feature called Voice Mood, which will automatically adjust the background and emoji of your audio message to match your voice tone to better express surprise or delight.

Another new feature in Messages is Reaction Effects. When you respond to a message with this effect, the other person will see an enlarged animation on their screen. This feature is still in beta.


Illustration: Google

Right from the watch you can now turn on and configure compatible smart home gadgets - for example, start a robot vacuum cleaner or quickly change the color of the lighting in the living room.

From the watch you can now quickly switch all smart home equipment using two new modes: “At Home” and “Away.” This allows you to launch an entire scenario with the press of one button: for example, turn off the lights everywhere, turn on the cameras, lock the doors and start the robot vacuum cleaner.

Soon, Google Assistant scripts (aka Routines) will be able to be launched directly from the watch by voice.

The new Google Assistant widget will display on your watch face all the information that might be useful to you at that time - warnings about hazardous weather conditions, flight updates, or reminders about Calendar events.

Google TV

Google TV users in the US now have access to 115 free channels (more than 10 of them are new).

Accessibility features

The TalkBack screen voiceover mode now allows visually impaired users to hear descriptions of images, even if the authors did not write them down: the neural network will “look” at the photo and describe it.

Next week, it will be possible to enable subtitle generation in phone calls and videos stored locally on a smartphone. Later they will add the ability to enter a response in text directly during a phone call, which will be immediately read out. This combination will allow users with hearing and speech impairments to communicate with minimal delays.



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